Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I knew these guys from collecting comics during the 80s. I had no idea that these bits of nipponese joy were both a toy line and interchangeable. I bought a huge lot of these a few months ago- futuristics, yet so very 1977!

I used these sites to put various bright bits of plastic together:

No bad-ass Baron Karza in my bunch, but just wait...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's never too late to have a happy childhood....

This is a web-long devoted to my personal search for vintage toys. Growing up in the late 70s and early 80s, a kid couldn't help be exposed to all sorts of groovy plastic and die-cast wonders. The saturday morning cartoon-fests and comic book ads, along with seeing what the older kids were stashing in their toy chests presented a completely different world. My own lot was more pedestrian- Lego blocks, including electric and geared sets, Matchbox & Corgi cars, toy trains, plus exotic ones from relatives in europe. 5th grade came, and I moved to model-building, a large lot that would later be torched during my middle-school pyromaniac phase. Music and girls soon replaced toys after that.

However, for whatever reason, I'm now drawn back to the ads in old back issue Marvel comics. Antique shops and Ebay now offer some gems that came out before I was born, and I no longer risk a beating by handling someone's fur-face G I Joe...unless they are a collector, of course.

Screw mint condition, in box- I want to PLAY!